English grammar and punctuation refresh

Original price was: £169.99.Current price is: £149.99.

English grammar and punctuation refresh is an intermediate level course designed for those with a general understanding of English writing, but wish to refresh and strengthen their core writing skills.


English Grammar and Punctuation Refresh:

– is an intermediate level course designed for those with a general understanding of English writing, but wish to refresh and strengthen their core skills. The standard course is two hours long, but can be catered for a shorter or longer course dependent on student requirements (if required please send a message (contact form below) before booking this course as the costs could change). It can also take place in one day or spread over a couple of evenings.

Who’s it for?

This course is designed for adults who would like to gain confidence and develop their ability in writing English. Typically, course participants need to improve their English for a number of reasons including some doubts they have in their technical writing abilities and questions they wish to set firm in their mind.

The Benefits:

At the end of this English course you can expect to:

  • Improve your grammar and punctuation.
  • Understand the core technical principles in English writing.
  • Grow your confidence in writing.
  • Write accurately and fluently.
  • Be able to help others who may have questions on grammar and punctuation.

Course Content:

The course will cover, but is not limited to the below:

  1. Sentence construction and its four key elements.
  2. The 9 traditional parts of speech.
  3. Coordinating conjunctions.
  4. Punctuation categories.
  5. Key Rules for using the comma.
  6. Past, present and future tense.
  7. Active Voice.

Further Details:

– Sentence construction and its four key elements

A sentence is an independent clause or the combination of independent and dependent clauses and these can be broken down into four key elements.

  • Simple.
  • Compound.
  • Complex.
  • Compound – complex.

– The 9 traditional parts of speech

  • Noun: Naming words (a chance).
  • Pronoun: Noun substitute (their last chance)
  • Verb: Doing or being word (they lost the chance)
  • Adjective: Describes nouns or pronouns (fat chance)
  • Adverb: Describes adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs (a very slim chance; she danced divinely)
  • Article: Specifies definiteness or indefiniteness of a noun (the dance; a good chance)
  • Conjunction: Joining word (a slim chance and a very slim chance)
  • Preposition: A word that positions (at the dance)
  • Interjection: Conveys emotion or sentiment (Wow! What a dance!)

– Coordinating conjunctions.

Coordinating conjunctions come between two clauses in order to connect them. Use the term FANBOYS to remember the seven conjunctions.

  • F: For
  • A: and
  • N: Nor
  • B: But
  • O: Or
  • Y: Yet
  • S: So

– Punctuation categories.

Stoppers: Full stop or period, comma.

Linkers: Semicolon, colon, dash.

Intruders: Comma pair, dash pair, bracket pair.

Intoners: Exclamation and question marks.


  • Apostrophes. (Note: This is used to form contractions and to form the possessive case. It’s never used to form a plural.)
  • Hyphens.
  • Quotation marks.
  • Slash.
  • Ellipsis.

– Key Rules for using the comma.

Remember – Comma’s don’t join, they cut.

  1. Introductory words and clauses.
  2. Commas are commonly used before Coordinating conjunctions.
  3. Use commas to separate items in a List.
  4. Use a comma before a quotation.
  5. Use commas to set off a non-essential element within a sentence.
  6. Avoid comma splices.

– Past, present and future tense.

  • Past 
  • Present
  • Future

– Active Voice

Write stronger sentences.


  • If you have any questions or want to find out more about this course please use the contact page and drop us a message.
  • When booking on to this course are you also agreeing to the terms and conditions.
  • Once purchased or before purchase, this course is arranged for the most convenient dates/times that suit both the student and tutor.


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