Are New Articles and Blog Posts on Creating Writing Needed anymore?


Getting Published

Getting Published

In an era saturated with writing advice (e.g. search for ‘how to write a novel’ in google and it returns around 954,000,000 results!) and now with the proliferation of AI-generated content, it’s natural to question the necessity of new blog posts on how to write fiction.

With an abundance of resources available, the market is oversaturated and this may make it feel like new blog posts or articles have lost their value. However, this article aims to explore the enduring significance of such blog posts and highlight their ongoing relevance for both aspiring and experienced fiction writers.

Unique Perspectives and Insights

While it’s true that numerous blog posts exist on the topic of writing fiction, each writer (assuming it’s not AI generated!) brings their own unique perspective and insights to the table. Different authors possess varying experiences, techniques, and philosophies that can greatly benefit aspiring writers.

Blog posts on writing fiction continue to be valuable as they offer fresh perspectives, alternative approaches, and unique solutions to common writing challenges. They provide a diverse range of voices and perspectives that can resonate with different readers, allowing them to find the guidance that aligns best with their individual needs and aspirations.

For example some writes dislike (to put it mildly) the focus on ‘show, don’t tell’ and a 3rd person limited approach in writing (whilst a 1st person approach has many great benefits, and does not require such dependency on the ‘show, don’t tell’ style) and without these writers expressing these views, new writers may miss out on this objective thought and the different ways to write fiction.

Tailored Guidance and Practical Tips

Blog posts dedicated to writing fiction often delve into specific aspects of the craft, providing tailored guidance and practical tips to improve storytelling skills. From character development and plot structure to dialogue and pacing, these posts offer focused insights and actionable advice that can benefit writers at various stages of their journey.

While AI-generated content may provide general information, blog posts written by experienced authors can offer nuanced insights and strategies honed through their own writing journeys. This personalized guidance can be invaluable in helping writers navigate the complexities of storytelling and refine their craft. Especially if its provided from a trusted source or a writer or teacher that is known.

Community and Connection

Blog posts on writing fiction foster a sense of community and connection among writers, or a direct link with a writer and their fans (such as this example with George R.R. Martin). Through comments and interactions, writers can engage with both the author and fellow readers, sparking conversations, sharing experiences, and seeking support. This sense of community can provide encouragement, motivation, and a platform for networking. Writers can find like-minded individuals, receive feedback, and establish connections that may lead to collaborations or further opportunities within the writing community. In an era where connection and support are crucial, blog posts play a vital role in nurturing a sense of belonging among writers.

Evolving Perspectives and Emerging Trends

Writing is a dynamic field, constantly evolving and adapting to new perspectives and emerging trends. Blog posts on writing fiction reflect this evolution, providing up-to-date insights and discussions on contemporary topics.

They explore new genres, experiment with narrative techniques, and tackle social and cultural issues through storytelling. Blog posts act as a conduit for the exploration of emerging trends, pushing the boundaries of what fiction can achieve and encouraging writers to stay informed and innovative in their approach.

A Human Outlet and Pursuit of Knowledge

There are many reasons why people write, and one of those is that people greatly enjoy the pursuit of writing. It gives us the chance to explore our thoughts and opinions. To discuss topics with ourselves and evaluate what we know. And if taking proper care, or at least a half decent approach, it grows our intellect, educates us and forces us to research ideas, facts or history on specific areas. For example just the act of writing, in journaling, can have great benefits on human mental health. So writing, as an outlet, to get your view across, to dispel force information or just for the enjoyment is an important human activity.


The fact of the matter is, that due to the already large number of posts about writing on line, there is to a degree no need for new posts in some areas of creating writing. As noted above though there is still space for new articles and posts on writing. Although due to the shear saturation of articles and blog posts, even getting new posts noticed is a challenge, unless you already have a following or can pay for advertising or paid search results that drive people to the post.

The key here is to take care if considering to write a post and consider what value it adds to the world.


For example the Writers Initiative has two posts specifically written for providing advice on how to get go about getting published. Care

was taken in writing these posts to provide the most concise and valuable advice on getting published. One is on the traditional approach via an established publisher: 3 Key Factor to Getting Published and the other is on Self Publishing: Self Publishing and ways to get yourself noticed.

There are no and will be no plans to write any further articles specifically on ‘how to get published’ as these two posts cover all the key details required. These posts may be updated though and then any updates will be announced in a separate post. In these posts there are also links to other trusted and respected external posts about publishing.

So in conclusion, in a landscape saturated with writing advice and AI-generated content, new blog posts on writing fiction still do continue to serve a purpose. They offer unique perspectives, tailored guidance, and practical tips that cater to the individual needs of aspiring and experienced writers alike. These blog posts foster a sense of community and connection within the writing world and keep writers informed about evolving perspectives and emerging trends.